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How To Hit The Mom Reset Button

Unmotivated? Overwhelmed? Burned out? Hit the mom reset button!

Save these tips for when needed:

1. YOU NEED A BREAK. Unblock your mom-guilt and unrealistic mom-responsibility and rewire your mind to understand that, we can’t pour out of an empty cup. Call your partner, family, a friend, a sitter, a neighbor, or take them to a class or day activity and do something that fills up your cup. Even if its 15min breaks through the day, or an hour once your partner gets home.

2. TRULY, UNPLUG. Stay off social, off screens. Put your phone on do not disturb, Truly, disconnect. It’s hard to really unplug nowadays, so force yourself to.

3. REDUCE DAILY STRESS. Add 3-4 activities per day that will lower your stress levels: yoga, Pilates, a run, a hike, chamomile tea, essential oils, an Epsom salt bath, 5-10min guided meditation, breath work, affirmations, magnesium, sunshine... do even more at once when you are resetting!

4. CONNECT TO NATURE. With or without your family, but go out and get connected to nature! The mountains, the ocean, the desert, the snow... fresh air, sunshine… it’s truly therapeutic.

5. NOURISH YOUR BODY. On go-go-go mode you forget about proper food, you eat quickly, more processed, and that spirals back adding more burn off. Add balanced whole meals, high protein and fat, drink electrolytes, prep easy whole food sacks like nuts, fruit, superfood smoothies... replenish your nutrition not just for your body, but for your mindset too.

6. TREAT YOURSELF. Do something you rarely do. A drive through coffee, sitting in a patio with a cup of matcha and journaling, a spa session... whatever it is. Do it for yourself.

7. CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE. We have so much going on, it’s fun, we feel productive, but that contributes to the burn off too. Clear out a whole weekend of social activities, stop commitments and appointments for all afternoons one week, put your to-do list aside for a couple of days, and be with yourself and the family doing more low-key easy activities for once.

8. BREAK YOUR ROUTINE. A staycay, getaway or trip to come back refreshed and renewed. It may be time for it!


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