If you are looking for a full registry list, check this post!
But today I am covering my newborn essentials, those items that I can't live without OR that make my life much easier having a newborn at home, and I am telling you exactly why!
And don't get me wrong, a lot of these items you CAN live without. But they simply make life more convenient, give you a bit of time of hands free, or keep them entertained so you can do things like cooking, eating, sleeping, working or self care in your little free windows.
Also remember, a majority of these items will be used further than the first 2 months.

1. Bassinet Co sleeper shop
I love having my babies right next to me as an extended part of my bed for them to sleep safely, as if they were in my bed but still have my whole space! So convenient when you are constantly waking up to feed them. This is the co sleeper that we have and lasts until they are 6m.
2. Nursing Pillow shop
Being comfy while feeding (breast or bottle) is key too, especially when you do it nonstop day and night. This is perfect for the bed, couch, on a chair... and later on when they grow they can use this pillow for tummy time and seating!
3. Portable Changing Pad shop
Sure, I love a good changing station, but realistically, you end up changing the babies wherever you are in the house. This means in the middle of the night on your bed, or on the couch, etc. A portable changing pad is key and more useful than the changing table!
4. Baby Swing shop
This may not be the fanciest or prettiest swing in the market but it definitely is the one both of my kids have liked most. They usually stay in it only for 10-15min at this age (unless they fall asleep, then I may get lucky and get a little more time) but its just so convenient to have! We personally chose to place it in the living room this way I can place him there when I cook, eat or play with Sofia, for example.
5. Developmental Cards & Games shop
OMG Beckham loves the first newborn box. He stares at everything and they help with his development. It also gives me a few minutes of busy baby & hands free :)
6. Baby gym shop (use up to 12 months)
This play gym is the BEST! It comes with developmental activities to do from 0 to 12 months, including cards like the ones I mentioned from the first box above (so if you purchase this, you don't need to purchase the first box mentioned in point 5). It keeps him busy and we love to have it in the living room so we can have another option to place him while I play with Sofia, cook, eat or workout!
7. Lounger Pillow shop
After a couple of weeks, they don't want to be laying on their back all day, and this is the perfect tilt. You can place the lounger anywhere in the house, so they can be next to you laying safely. I personally love to keep it in my bathroom so I can use it every time I shower quickly, when I do my morning & night skincare routine, when I dry my hair, get dressed and such!
8. Baby wrap shop
Get all the snuggles, hands-free. Life saver for the fussy hours too.
b) Baby carrier shop I personally prefer this over the wrap, for the home & out, and lasts longer too! I use it so I am hands-free to play with Sofia, cook, or eat!
9. Automatic Nail Filer shop
There's nothing scarier than trimming baby nails! This automatic filer is the only way I can do it, it does not hurt them if they move, and it trims the nails quickly & quietly. Plus it comes with different tips for each age, as their nails get harder with time.
10. Pacifier shop
This pacifier style is the one that has worked best for us because they can grab the teddy and therefor, it does not fall as often. It also replicates the nipple shape so it personally has never impacted with their latching or nipple confusion. And to me, a pacifier is 100% a life saver too, especially during the fussy hours at night, and when they want to suck but are not hungry, so I don't become their human pacifier, yikes!
11. Dockatot shop
No doubt, one of the best things, and you can use it daily for a long time. We love it and take it on the go for our road trips too.
12. Gloves shop Because even if you trim or file their nails every day, they still scratch their face and wake up scared / hurt themselves. Life saver the first 8 weeks.
13. Bouncer (not pictured) shop
Unfortunately, the exact bouncer we have is not sold anymore, and I love it because it also vibrates which helps him sooth (sometimes). But a bouncer is definitely helpful too, they can lounge sitting up instead of laying, and you can place it anywhere. I personally place the bouncer in my office!
14. Basket (not pictured) shop
This is not as indispensable but it's definitely been amazing to have too. Especially when he falls asleep and we want to transfer him to another area of the home. We use it anywhere in the house!
15. Shusher (not pictured) shop
This is perfect for the fussy hours especially!
You don't need ALL of these, but I recommend you to strategically think where you'll need to be in the house and what items will be more helpful for your home lifestyle!
And remember, babies 0-8 weeks love to be in your arms, they cat-nap all day, and they get tired of being in the same place all the time. So yes, having a few different lounging options around the house is what always helps us get 15min here and there of hands free, busy baby time!
For more details watch this video!