Postpartum physical body recovery can be a VERY damaging subject.
There’s lots of pressure around the topic. Lots of comparison. And lots of judgement. From others and mostly, mamas pressuring themselves.
The thing is, it’s easy to compare & hard to really be fair. There are a LOT of variables like genetics, fitness, deep core work, nutrition, pre-pregnancy body, age, medical complications... and lots of things the simple eye cant see, like the way others FEEL!
At three months PP, although I am happy with my progress, I am not “back” and that is NORMAL & OKAY.
Above all, I would love to encourage you to stop thinking about "going back" and start thinking about "transforming into our new selves". Because even if you CAN feel & look the same again (or even better) our bodies will never be the same, in a GOOD way.
Talking about "going back" is just not realistic, we always evolve, and after birth, we are transformed! And we should actually be proud of that!
With Sofia, it took me 9 months to "feel like myself", and not because of what the scale said after losing 50lbs, but because of how I finally felt, like my new "me", inside and out.
When we are pregnant and exclusively nursing a baby (feeling like our bodies belong to someone else) + prioritizing taking care of others above yourself, while adapting to new lifestyle changes, losing your identity is easy, and feeling like yourself takes time & goes beyond the body.
My point here is, postpartum is a long road where there’s more than how we look.
So let’s embrace the journey into FINDING OUR NEW SELVES, with dedication, love and grace. Because it does take time, effort and lot of self-love. And the pressure for “going back” does not help with any of that!
When did you feel back to your new you?
How is your PP body recovery going?