The second trimester is typically the least eventful one symptom wise, which is why it’s my favorite Don’t worry. Once I’m in the third trimester I’ll start complaining to you guys
But there’s quite a few new things I’ve experienced since I last updated you:
I’ve started to feel light movements
I’ve started to feel her mildly kick
My husband and daughter have felt her gently kick too
My energy level has been through the roof still (since day 1 of pregnancy) which has allowed me to enjoy the summer and our month trip in Spain so much more (SO grateful summer aligned with my 2nd trimester once again just like with Sofia's pregnancy).
I’ve also haven’t had any round ligament pain this third pregnancy, which with my first & second, I had SO many growing pains through the first half of my pregnancy. I guess it’s all stretched at this point
On the flip side, I have experienced some very minor sciatic nerve pain, especially at the end of the day. But I do my stretches (I’ll show you soon) rest, and then it always goes away, so I’m glad I can manage it and do my daily (nonstop) activities.
Finally, I’m sleeping so well so far, I’ve been sleeping 8h uninterrupted nights, which I hadn’t had in 7 years! Although I’m sure insomnia will pop in the third trimester, but for now, I’ll enjoy the much needed sleep!