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Are you Overwhelmed On The Thought Of Going Out With Kids?

I often get asked how I’m always out & about with the kids. And to be honest, I don’t overthink it, I don’t second guess it. I simply just GO ✨

I know it’s a lot of work to get the kids out of the house. It’s challenging. Can be overwhelming. And it’s just comfortable and safe to stay in with unpredictable babies and toddlers.

But, going out IS life. It gives you life.

There’s nothing that a little sunshine, fresh air, nature connection, friends & new activities can’t fix. Your mood + energy need it, they thrive with it.

There’s less sibling fights, less screens, less messes to clean, more memories, more exploring, more movement, more imagination.

Now, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t lazy days, days where we stay in and do absolutely nothing. Days with indoor discovery, activities, imagination and days with more screens. Of course. Those days exist, and are much appreciated & needed too.

And not everywhere allows you to be out of the home during some seasons as much, true and props to you because staying in is hard 🤍

BUT, don’t let the overwhelming thought of going out with the minis stop you from doing so.

Because at the end of the day, the more you do it, the more effortless it gets 💫

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