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Beckham’s 11 Month Update & Schedule

B turned 11 a week ago and he truly is suddenly more and more like a toddler and less like a baby.

He is super independent in mobility, is always exploring and generally does not want to be held at ALL anymore...No more chilling with this kid.

He is a pro at cruising (walking holding furniture, we do not use walkers) and really WANTS to walk on his own (no rush baby) so it's time to buy shoes because begore i know it he will be walking!

He is also very communicative and his personally is slowly showing more too. He definitely will let you know when he is mad or can’t get something he wants, so do not mess with him.

His new skill is now using utensils perfectly by himself, and feeding using a spoon and fork instead of his hands. He can also play amazingly stacking blocks, putting shapes inside their holes, using puppets and activity cubes, as well as crayons, and books. He loves some role-play toys like the kitchen and pretend tableware. It's so fun to see him play independently when he does. And he loves to observe what Sofia does and copy her.

He now has 9 teeth and something he has learned this past month is to YELL. Like ridiculously loud and annoying tbh so hopefully he’ll get over that quick!

It truly feels like my BABY all of the sudden has grown!

Schedule wise it’s pretty much the same: he is still doing two naps of 1h each (max) and usually wakes at 630a and goes to bed at 730p. Still nursing 3/day + 1 at night now. Although of course he can wake more if teething or going through a leap (but this month has been on the good side of wakes, unlike last month).

Here's the schedule he is currently doing, everything give or take 30min:

* 7am: Wake

* 730am: Breakfast

* 830am: Nursing 1

* 930am: Nap 1

* 1030am: Wake

* 12pm: Lunch

* 130pm: Nursing 2

* 2pm: Nap

* 3pm: Wake

* 4pm: Snack

* 530pm: Dinner

* 630pm: Bath + Night Routine

* 7pm: Nursing 3

* 730pm: Bedtime

+ wakes at night - he now doesn’t FEED more than once at night now, but he does wake (more or less) when teething/leap

Almost 1 my love, but always my baby!


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