Traveling with kids means we just need to do kid activities while traveling TOO.
We can’t just pretend they’ll sit quietly during all meals, that they’ll sit in the stroller the whole day while we walk around sightseeing and visiting museums, or that they’ll do everything we’d do without them.
So here are my top tips to enjoy trips with kids:
1. Get them active, find activities you want to do, where they can stay active too, for example go to the beach a couple hours a day. And if you want to relax 5min, then bring appropriate toys and activities for them to play there too.
2. Plan meals around nap time, bring a stroller for on-the-go naps; order quick and don’t plan to sit too long; grab food to-go and do park / beach picnics; or do a highly active activity before the meal so they want to be sitting.
3. For longer travels, get an apartment instead of a hotel, to cook most meals and snacks so they eat properly, & close to what they eat at home. So when you are out, you can be more relaxed about food.
4. Keep them eating mostly balanced (like at home) to avoid tantrums, exhaustion and sickness.
5. Prioritize good sleep so they aren’t overtired and boost their immune system too.
6. Find kid activities in the areas you are in and mix them in through the day with activities you want to do: you want to sightsee? Great! They’ll most likely stay in the stroller while you do so if you have taken them to a park or trampoline park before you go!
7. Realistic expectations, they are kids! Remember that unexpected happens and bad days/moments happen too. Be flexible & go with the flow, adapting to the constant changes and needs.