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How I made the decision to have baby number 3

I always knew I wanted two kids and “maybe a third”.

I also knew I wanted Sofia and B to be 4&6 to consider a third.

December 2023 came around, and I knew it was time to start meditating deeply into the decision.

I came to realize that, all of the “cons” & things that were stopping me from saying YES 100% to that bigger family I deep down knew we needed, were really socially projected fears, and none of them came from within. A list of things we all hear in society, impregnated with fear in our subconscious minds, that I started believing, which may be true to others, but were not true to ME right NOW.

You’ll be spread too thin with three 

You’ll be outnumbered by three 

Kids are so expensive

You will have to start over again

Having kids after 35 is hard

Here’s the thing, the more kids you have, the more work it is! The more expensive it is! The more “outnumbered” you are. There’s no denying that.But, having “more selfless work” didn’t stop me from going from 0-1 and 1-2 because I knew it’s what I personally wanted.

Plus, I waited 4+ years because I knew it would be much easier for me to focus on the baby with two older, more independent kids. So that wasn’t stopping me.I also knew that, I would never look back and remember the extra money in my bank account or things. But instead, the life I brought in and the experiences I made with them. I knew I would rather sacrifice financial decisions over not trying for one more. So that wasn’t stopping me.

And sure, you have to start all over again. But I waited 4 years to FEEL READY and recharged to do it all over again. And guess what? I look forward to it because although 0-4 are intense, they have been some of the best years and memories of my life. That wasn’t stopping me.

Finally, let’s just say, if I had kids in my early 20s, I wouldn’t be nearly the mom I am today. That wasn’t stopping me. So, please remember to always make decisions looking WITHIN and shutting that external noise, weather it’s for a YES one more baby, or a NO I am done! Only you know.


Ep. 36: Surprise Laura's Pregnant! Deciding on having a third baby, how I found out, how I told the kids, anxiety, symptoms and more.

Ep. 37: Pregnancy Q&A special. What my gender guess is, what the kids and hubby think it is, would I consider a 4th, age differences, fears, when did I start showing, what car will I drive, birth center or home birth, and more!

1 Comment

han gu
han gu
Jul 23

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