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How I told the kids I am Pregnant with Baby #3

I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks. At first, the line was so so so faint, I could barley see it without twisting the test and squinting my eyes. But, I knew it was there.

I immediately told my husband & no one else. Everyday, the line got darker. By the 3rd day, I told my two of my best friends and my kids.

I was extremely realistic that things happen, especially when it’s that early, but at the same time, I am someone who can’t hide things from people who are around and need support.

When I told Sofia and Beckham I said something like:

“I found out there’s a baby in my belly. But, right now, it’s a seed. Like the ones we plant that take lots of time, love, and patience to grow. We need to give the baby time, and in a few weeks, I’ll go to the doctor and we will see if the baby has started to develop or not. If there’s a heartbeat or not. Once we see a heartbeat, we still need to make sure the baby keeps growing and developing right. It’s a nine months process, and of course sometimes, things go wrong, and plants don’t grow, and it’s not our fault. Maybe the seed wasn’t right. So let’s take it day by day, step by step, but we do have a seed growing in mommy’s belly to potentially become a brother or sister.”

They were very excited. But not shocked. They somehow knew this baby was coming. But they were also very realistic seeing how the embryo looked every week and that there was a long way to a fully developed baby. I didn’t want to tell them it was something guaranteed but also, I wanted them to understand it was slowly happening.

The day I came home with a heartbeat ultrasound they were so happy and grateful that we had hit that milestone, but they also kept patiently waiting for the next one.

They were the ones who helped me see the bright light, keep me positive, remain calm, and help me celebrate every single little step moving forward.

Bottom line, do whatever feels right for your family. There’s no right or wrong on when to tell your kids and only you know their personality and how they’ll take the news either way it goes.


Ep. 36: Surprise Laura's Pregnant! Deciding on having a third baby, how I found out, how I told the kids, anxiety, symptoms and more.

Ep. 37: Pregnancy Q&A special. What my gender guess is, what the kids and hubby think it is, would I consider a 4th, age differences, fears, when did I start showing, what car will I drive, birth center or home birth, and more!

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han gu
han gu
Jul 23

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