I was scared of another pregnancy after my intense pregnancy with a 19-28m old. I thought omg a pregnancy with TWO kids now. It will be a lot.
I wasn’t ready for a while and simultaneously, I knew I wanted a bigger gap for a 3rd kid for other reasons.
And I am so happy I followed my instinct and waited because wow, this experience has been exactly what I needed.
- During the first 3 months of all-day nausea and weeks of vomiting my 4&6yo were so understanding. Patient, helpful, and independent with daily routine activities like dressing, picking up, bathing etc. Even though I had unlimited responsibilities as a now mom of two, I had way more rest than pregnant with one toddler.
- My kids now also play so well alone, versus my 19m old who was purely dependent on me, physically demanding, 24/7 as she wasn’t sleeping through the night either. The fact that I can now go to the beach and lay down 80% of the time while I watch them play together is unbelievable. Those relaxing pregnant moments as a mom are priceless.
- Of course my 1st pregnancy with no kids to take care of was the easiest. I was selfish with my time and rested whenever I wanted. But I appreciate the little bits of rest way more than the full days back then. And I am more grateful for it because I acknowledge it much more. And therefor, I enjoy it way more too. Plus l complain less and can handle more because I’m more resilient after 7 years of motherhood
- And in this 4 year break, I have been able to really reset my mind & body, truly feel strong and ready for pregnancy again & have a better approach: the challenges are familiar and I see the other side of the hill more easily.
Of course, there’s pros and cons to having kids closer or further apart, some prefer to do kids back to back. And not everyone gets to choose a timeline.
But my point here is that, there’s lots of pressure of having kids closer in age. But if you are being called to wait a little longer for your next baby, or if you suddenly feel ready after a longer break, know that, it may just be, exactly what you need too.