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Why you "pop" earlier the more pregnancies you have

Women expecting their second+ babies may show earlier because the muscles have been stretched previously.

The uterus also tends to expand quicker causing a more noticeable bump even in the first trimester.

On top of that, there’s other factors that may come into play to help you show sooner like, if you are short. Short women or women with shorter torsos may show earlier or have a larger-looking bump, because they have less space for the baby. Aka me, I even showed sooner than other FTM on my first pregnancy. I’m 5’3” for reference.

Finally, there can be bloating due to your hormones too. Progesterone specifically. But overall, this 3rd pregnancy, I could tell I had a bump by week 8 (vs the hormonal bloating I experienced in the earlier weeks).

Again, there is no standard rule, as each pregnancy & person is different and dependent on their body shape, size, and the way they carry the pregnancy.But if this is not your first pregnancy, and you have that baby bump in the first trimester, you are most definitely not alone!

2 commentaires

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