What if I had listened to those who told me it would be impossible?
They told me I could not move across the world on my own
That I would not be able to start my own business at 23
That my business would never be successful
That I would not be able to support myself in LA
That I would not get fit
That I would not be able to go to the gym daily while pregnant
That I would not be able to manage contractions without an epidural
That I would not be able to lose all of the 50 lbs I gained pregnant
That I would not be able to keep up with all my clients with a newborn
That I would not be able to take care of my newborn without my family around or a nanny
That I would not be able to travel when I had kids
That I would not be able to take care of myself after kids
That I would not have the energy to keep up with daily workouts with a baby and a business
And now they still tell me oh well, wait until you have a second kid
All I have to say is, wait, and watch me!
Girls, just because they can't does not mean that you can't. I thankfully never stopped believing in myself and always kept standing up and trying again. And that's why I am here and have what I have built. But what if I had listened? What if I had never even tried because they said "it was impossible"? It's something I think on the daily basis and it's something I would NEVER want my daughter to do.
And this is why I am here, to constantly remind you that you can. Work hard, go after what you believe you deserve. Because with consistency, you'll get there eventually, and if you don't get EXACTLY where you want to get, I am sure the road will lead somewhere surprising and amazing.
But never let anyone convince you that you can't.