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Does Balance Really Exist?

I have always said I believe in balance, however I think it looks VERY different than people may think or expect!

Here's the deal, some days I get a few things off my to-do list. Some days, I get none.

Some days we all eat fresh healthy meals and some days, there's frozen pizza.

Some days the house is tidy, and some days it looks like a bomb went off.

Some days we do a ton of developmental games and physical activity, and some days we are lazy and watch more TV.

Look, balance exists. You just can’t have it all, EVERYDAY.

You wont have the same amount of time in everything daily. Days you'll focus more on this, others on that. And that's what balance is all about.

How do I decide what to do each day? I don't. I roll with it.

I plan my weeks with work & home goals on my to-do list. Organized by priority.

When Monday gets here, and my first work window comes, I go to the top of my list and start working. If Beckham wakes early and I can't finish, it's OK, I continue in the next window.

I tackle home chores the same way, by priority, when I can. And some days I can more than others!

I make sure I include self-care daily too, and hey, some days it’s 5min skincare only, other days I get more.

I also think balance can happen by delegating: for ex I am able to keep up w my business, working less hours, be with my babies, and making more money, by delegating!

Although due to the current environment we overall delegate less, this is how I am able to focus on what truly needs me & what I love to do most, so I ENJOY the balance. Which is key too!

I love being productive, I love taking advantage of my time and being able to "balance it all"

As well as I love my full random "lazy, zero plan days" and accept the "nothing can get done” days, because that is part of the balance: some days go as planned, some you totally wing it!

Plan, prioritize and ultimately, ACCEPT & ADAPT to the constant changes, especially with kids!

Yes: balance exists, and it never looks the same. If you keep that in mind, you’ll be able to go more with the flow and not get frustrated.

What’s your biggest struggle with balance?


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