I "knew" I was pregnant at 3 weeks when I started feeling implantation cramps around a week before my missed period. I knew it was IT but I also didnt think too much of it and didnt test just yet. But two days later I decided to test.
This was 5 weeks before my missed period, which is way too early to even get a positive. But I tested, and I saw the most faint line. So faint not even a picture captured it.
So, I only told my husband about it and noone else. But I knew I WAS PREGNANT!
I tested everyday after this and the line kept slowly progressing. Two days before my missed period I told two of my best friends and kids. I was def more confident about it.
I missed my period and the line kept getting darker and darker due to the HCG levels doubling every 2 days or so. I knew the pregnancy was progressing well but, my anxiety began. Read the next post about my pregnancy anxiety and what I did to fight it.
Also, I used these very cheap amazon tests that are very sensitive!! Love them.
Ep. 36: Surprise Laura's Pregnant! Deciding on having a third baby, how I found out, how I told the kids, anxiety, symptoms and more.
Ep. 37: Pregnancy Q&A special. What my gender guess is, what the kids and hubby think it is, would I consider a 4th, age differences, fears, when did I start showing, what car will I drive, birth center or home birth, and more!
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