Not being stressed doesn’t mean that stressful situations don’t happen to you, but that you take control your body’s stress response and manage those situations differently. Focusing on the positive and keeping calm instead.
Once again it’s all in the power of your MIND: If your brain registers a situation as stressful, you send the message down to your adrenal glands which respond by releasing stress hormones.
8. Cuddle with your baby or loved one: it will release your feel-good hormones and will calm your mind and body.
1. Cut off caffeine and replace it for herbal tea, kombucha, green juice and other alternatives. Or at least lower your intake to an espresso shot per day.
2. Meditate. Breath. Brainstorm about your life and hold by yourself. A few minutes every day.
3. Exercise: yoga, pilates, go for a walk, weight lift. Note: excess cardio (running or spinning, for example) can spark your adrenal glands, so focus on other types of exercises.
4. Replace all negative thoughts with positive ones.
5. Find a solution to each problem.
6. See failures as a learning experience.
7. Surround yourself with positive people who will help you see the bright side of things when you can’t.
8. Cuddle with your baby or loved one: it will releas your feel-good hormones and will calm your mind and body.