While facing fearful moments we should look into motivational affirmations more than ever!
Affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things to help us create the reality we want, attracting the goals we want. Manifesting towards the results we want.
Here are a few of my favorites.
I will accept failure, but I will not accept not trying
Be patient. Growth takes time
Achievement is connected to action. Don’t wait for opportunities, create them
Failure isn’t failure unless you don’t learn from it
You set your own value. Communicate that to the world and don’t accept anything less
Don’t dream. Do
We are tested not to discover our weaknesses but to discover our strengths
My body knew how to grow this baby and it knows how to birth it
I am patient with myself and my body
Woman are born to do this
It’s not pain, it’s power
I trust my body. I trust my baby. I trust my birth
It’s up to me to set the tone for this labor and birth
The stronger the contractions/waves the closer I get to hold my baby
Breath slow and easy to help my body let go