As busy as I am, I also have to take advantage of the fact that I live in the heart of LA and get invited to so many big events.
It’s great for my business, to network, discover new products, cross promote ideas for my clients businesses, and share the good brands with you girls along the way too! But I don’t accept any invite because I’m really careful on how I invest my time.
If you are starting or looking to grow your business you need to get out more than ever. You need to tell everyone about your business, you need to connect with people who can introduce you to potential new clients, who can cross promote their businesses with yours, who can collaborate with you somehow, who can get you into other events... There's tons of ways you can work with others to grow. And at the beginning, you just have to get out at least two to three times per week. Make it part of your work routine because networking at first, is everything.
After 8 years in business I really don't need networking for those reasons. But I still need to do it for other reasons: to grow my client's value. How?
+ I constantly meet new products / brand managers who I can work with either cross promoting my client's businesses or having them participate in my events as a sponsor, for example
+ I meet influencers and celebrities who can try my clients services and products
+ I brainstorm ideas that I want to incorporate in my own events
+ I meet new vendors that can be part of my own events
There's always new knowledge and connections every time I attend an event. In increases my value offered.
So, as busy as I am, and as much as it takes for me to get properly ready and out of the house, it’s worth it. Occasionally, strategically picked!
There are SO many opportunities out there. Just go to the right places. Be open. Don’t feel afraid to approach people. And get networking!