We all go through phases in life where we can't afford traveling. However, everyone NEEDS to get away and disconnect, it helps you come back more productive and renewed, craving a routine, which makes you work even harder. A boost to your relaxation, creativity, and efficiency.
To me personally, it was when I started my business. I was young and had no savings, living in LA, an expensive city, I was dedicating all my time to starting a business which meant, just a few clients, and any profit was always being re-invested into my business or simply living. Plus, I just had no time to really get away.
So what did I do to avoid burn outs? What did I do to disconnect for a little bit and get those "vacation cravings" out of the way?
1. Spending the day at a local and nice hotel. Newsflash, you don't need to actually STAY at a hotel to enjoy it's facilities. You can simply go have a meal by the pool, and stay there all day! Yes, you may not get to sleep on their comfy beds, but sometimes, spending the day by the pool at a nice hotel nearby is all you need to relax, unwind, and give you those traveling vibes. Yes, lunch at a nice hotel may be more expensive than at home or any other local restaurant, but if you are comparing that to a staycay and paying for the night too, it's definitley cheaper!
2. Explore your surroundings. If what you are craving is adventure and disconnect while exploring, take a look around you: I am sure there are areas where you live that you have yet to explore. Of course, being new to living in California I always had places to discover, and I am sure not everywhere is as exciting as Cali, but I am sure there are lakes, beaches, mountains and outdoor activities around you. Do your research and disconnect for a day.
3. Try house or pet sitting. Yup you heard it right. You can stay all over the world for FREE helping out the homeowners watch their pets while they are away. The catch is this - these sites do require you to pay a membership (around $50-$200/yr) but then you get access to having the option to go to so many homes around the world! Here's a website.
4. Airbnb your home and spend that money to travel somewhere nearby or do a "staycay" this way, you'll have money to spend, and won't need to fly anywhere.